The WP was said to be done 7 months ago. And the second audit started 6 months ago..... Wen Anvil?
Wasn't the anvil claim site supposed to be operable by June 3rd? Or am I imagining?
69 billion in circulation?! That's 12 years ahead of schedule. Sure hope those were given to merchants.. That puts .075 ish to break the ATH in mc.. 30 billion staked now = th...
So Flexa removed its amp back but we now have 80billion circulating supply now?
We still on pace for summer 2023?
Did Tyler talk about anvil at all at consensus? Thought he had a stage presentation time slot, never heard of anything on it
You thought you could just buy amp in 2020/21 and disappear in 2025?? Nah with anvil you're stuck in the mental asylum for 5 more years 💎🙌
Taxes.. Last year I didn't report staking rewards as income after the Tezos court case, but it seems like most tax "experts" are still recommending reporting them as ordinary ...
So any app right? Many apps you can link your bank account to like Venmo for example for when you want to load cash.. So if MTL's are being accepted what other hurdles in term...
Any ideas on what happens with the 11 billion AMP that's staked to Gemini starting tomorrow?
Does Flexa enabled apps work at merchants like Chipotle where there is no MTL yet? Or would this be based on where the headquarters of a certain merchant is located?
@Naminori @bubby_io @floatingratio is there any new updates coming soon for the amp token grant community?