It is incredible how we always partner with the shittiest, Baseswap? Really
@samkazemian Have you thought of deploying a perp futures market on Fraxtal? model will be extremely good fit since it is collateraized only by DAI which I thi...
Can we change the theme of Looks ugly as shit For comparison look at Mantle's
@samkazemian Will frxETHv2 have support for 'vaults'? similar to stakewise? I.e. an operator take deposits from users, use frxETHv2 for leverage and divvy up the rewards as t...
Anyone from the team can answer if they are thinking about converting their current validation setup to 'delegate to the team' and use the same mechaism as frxETHv2? I.e. frx...
Why isnt fraxswap integrated with aggregators? Even cowswap gives worse quotes
Does the frax team has an undisclosed interest in these protocols?
According to the docs ( All 35% of team and advisor/investors are unlocked correct?
Is the Frax in Fraxlend CRV PoL or User LP?
Sam what is the reason for not having sfrxEth/frxEth fraxlend pair? Won't that kind of be proto-frxv2? (excluding permisonless validators), or is the system deigned to only ...
I am gonna watch the video and read the articles but how will the NO be able to generate APY that is higher than the staking APY and pocket the differnce?
Sorry can someone explain why would ANYONE opt to borrow a validator for frxETH v2?
Fraxtal will be a validium correct?
Would you be able to check if I give you the address?
Has any stablecoin porotol made plans to migrate from 3crv to fraxusdc?
how much of the current 1bil in frax3pool is pcv?