What the hell is that? 😂
is anyone in this group near to the celsius team can five us more updtate on what s going on behind the scene?
Alvosec ⚛️ (@alvosec) Tweeted: Celsius deposited 2,000 WBTC to their collateral in an attempt to protect funds, before their $534 million Maker vault becomes vulnerable to liq...
the question is why FTX declined to comment when contacted by CoinDesk 😂?
Guys what is the chance that celsius New plan will be approved ?
the question is : is this 2 billion illiquid or insolvent?
is this real? who do you think the partner ?
the price of cel explose, is there any bullish news?
guys , does c11 take between 6 month to 2 years?
is this true guys ? please