Hey i have agix in LP on minswap is it safe to leave there or should i pull it out now with the merge coming?
So it's not on ledger live your using some other extension that can be gatekept by the ledger right?
How I can store my axelar in its native wallet and stake on ledger but as far as I've seen you can only put fet as a bep20 or various erc20s am I mad?
Was egold listed on a major Asian exchange recently?
Who said big issue? Dont be dramatic paying the Smallest fee is just smart
Hey I am staked on nami wallets pool but have received no reward for my first week is this normal?
I have agix on eth and cardano where is best to have them right now?
When was this was is recently?
Hey is akash based on polkadot or cosmos or both?
What interaction does the atom token have with other chains in the ecosystem?
Can you make more liquid staking than normal staking.....what are the providing projects?
Are there any plans to launch on ledger live on the roadmap soon?
Any plans for cartesi on ledger?
Yes this is what I'm asking what's the best lite wallet I can use that works with ledger set up please?
Hey guys I have a ledger and would like to stake cartesi with it is there a possible set up?
Cheers people.......any clues on when Lace is out I assume this will be the cardano AAA wallet?
Hey does anyone know of the best way to store matic on ledger and stake?
Do you have to stake using erc20 matic on etherium network????
What's the usual return on Ada staking about 5% Apr?
So I can't have it in ledger at all?