Question: Is my Casper dash seed phrase only good for the Casper dash app? I believe so but I can't find support on the Casper dash telegram and Twitter is full of imposters
Hi everyone, sorry I'm not leaving a negative post, I happen to enjoy owning my Casper! I'm having doubts I can send my Casper from uphold to the Casper live for staking. Is t...
This was great information from two people that know Casper inside and out. Turning to the community is an odd request. It is also exciting that it is addressed. Speculation i...
Thank you. I recently staked (yesterday, lol) and it's a beautiful thing. As price rises, I assume people will leave staking to sell which lowers the APY?
As Casper price rises in the future, does staking ratio to amount owned continue as it is now?
Is y5 supporting/burning Luna not a good thing? I think it's the best news I've seen here in weeks.