What does this mean for slashing? It says it's going away, I'm curious what the incentives will be then to do no harm? https://wallet.keplr.app/chains/cosmos-hub/proposals/790
Was there ever an explanation why atom 2 was put down?
And I've heard some discussions from Zaki on how MEV can be handled differently, but can you flesh that out, how does Cosmos limit MEV compared to ETH or does it? Sometimes ME...
And what's the status of interchain accounts? Or where I can read more
Are there any other topics of the atom 2 paper that are also being developed? Social Coordination, Liquid Staking, Interchain Allocated, Interchain Scheduler?
So on these app specifics chains like Osmosis is there the ability to setup your own contracts or its just the developers that can do that?
Is prop 88 the key driver of funding interchain security?
Do you guys have a telegram tip bot?