In my community, there are also a few people having the same error, the device they use is iPhone and some people use windows computers, can everyone check on cloudflare for m...
So why is my IP blocked?
I have been using 1inch for 2 years and have not had any problems, now I have been blocked from many different IPs, so what is the reason for me to continue holding 1inch toke...
Hi everyone, when will USDT deposit from BSC network be reopened? 1 week ago I sent USDT from binance, but still haven't received the money 🥲
Hi everyone, I am using 1inch wallet but I don’t know how to save destination address, can anyone help me?
I have an error transaction, I set the slippage to 0.03 but I lost $500 from your contract, can you check for me?
Hi team, I can't get route price on Arbitrum network, can you check?
Hi team, I from Vietnam and why I can't connect the website?
Yup, but why do other software not need to block users or countries to still ensure network security?
Hi everyone, I'm making a withdrawal from sollet wallet to erc20, but after completing deposit on solana, I don't see the confirmation popup, how can I continue to confirm on ...
Has anyone in the group recently been able to transfer money between networks using cbridge?
Thanks, where can I get a list of banned countries and a list of banned wallets?
So can I still use smart contracts to make money transfers without any impact?
The user blocking is being done on the smart contract, right?
Which platforms can I use now that have cbridge integrated?
Is your server having problems?
Hi team, why do I have to re-authorize every day? I just authorized yesterday, today it forced me to authorize again
Hi team, I see on sollet wallet withdrawal function to ETH network is hidden, so what can I do with my soERC20 token?