Is amp useless for making money now since anvil is here?
So im sure this is old news that I’ve forgotten about, but has it been confirmed we are integrating with lightspark or incomm? We are sharing a spaces with them
Half a billion tokens sent to binance? What is the good scenario and what’s the bad in this case??
Why we moving up like this?
Couldn’t get a merry Christmas or happy new year?? Are we dead in the water?
Man where do we sizzle out? This is nuts
Hey weren’t we on the list? Are we officially out the dog house with this?
Where are the community testers or did they leave us in the dark about that pivot as well?
1.6 million? Buying that much amp is beyond me..but everyone’s pockets are different. Personally I’m spreading it out into litecoin bitcoin eth etc then the remainder into amp...
Did I accidentally join the amp Spanish Telegram?
Should that next audit be done?
Another name change?
Anyone having problems logging into flexa capacity?
@Jehoseph was that really her?
Auditing is for what again?
Seems like a weird rug pull?
When strip club digital currency?
“penguins with frowns upside down represent the future we are building toward”? I don’t get it…
Any news on that nighthawk timeline with flexa sdk on it? I think it said 3rd quarter or maybe 4th?
Question… Are we linked to solana?