They are different sir, but they are your wallets right?
The Realm will soon be opening its gates in Singapore! who's going? :)
Are you in Porto too?
Ongoings Spaces with BattleRise: A game building on Tezos Learn how to farm guys hhahah Great article @Crypt0nio 🙂
@Crypt0nio , HI Chief, Do we have a DexTools like app or platform on Tezos?
Hi guys do we have an article discusiing how Tezos tokenomics works? is it deflationary etc?
WHo is handling the TezosNFT discussion Telegram Channel? it is riddled with. scam links
Hi guys, the free tez, is it limited or there will be a refill and if so until when can people claim? getting feedback from community saying the site is no longer giving tez....
Do we have an article or guide for would be bakers?
Guys what's the current TPS of Tezos?