So a lot of concepts of Frax being a Central Bank for DeFi seem to be borrowed from the FED, right? Ex: AMOs = OMOs, Fractional Reserves, etc. I like going back to definition...
So these may be some basic questions: - How did Frax get to the top of the CVX Leaderboard? - Is Frax using their CVX votes to get higher APRs on frxEth LPs on Curve? - By ha...
So despite putting in a lot of time researching and asking questions, I still find understanding FRAX a challenge. [Perhaps I need to put in more work learning normal DeFi co...
What does it mean "fractional reserve", especially with a 100% CR? Does that mean Frax has the ability to get extra yield with the collateral via AMOs?
@samkazemian: I'm creating a Simplified Thread. Been reading over the documents, but I want to make sure I get everything right. I also want to help address common question...
Is there any video/thread/resource that does an amazing simplification of FRAX, especially after Feb?
Haha, Twitter Space Marathon :) Started up the next one. This one is more focused on asking basic questions:
Since the system doesn't work like that anymore, is there a Supply limit on FXS? That's because FXS isn't being minted for FRAX.
Are AMO profits depositing USDC/Stables to get that CR back up to 100% then?
Every 3M, 2.75%, 5.25% to go ~ 5 months?