Does get_dialogs() returns a parsable json ??
what means by if cached? i have a group that has no username no link only thing i know is display_name meand when we open telegram app the display name shown for any cha...
Using get_dialogs how can i print channel list user list bot list group list currently i am usimg iter_dialog wity if sttaemmt but that will call multiple api requests for ea...
how to resolv a case where chat/group/cahnnel has no link, no joinchat or invite link and no usernme how can we resolve such peers. incase id not known a small commin f...
from telethon.sync import TelegramClient from telethon import functions, types with TelegramClient(name, api_id, api_hash) as client: result = client(functions.channels.GetMes...
Is telegram username same as invitelike xxxxx -> is username ??? confusion regarding usernames invitelinks joinchatlinks and display name
with iter_dialog is am getting but dialog.title is empty does that mean that chat is deleted or banned/copyrighted ??
get_message or get_dialogs return dict or list?
TelegramClient('some_name', api_id, api_hash Does some_name matters ? Or it can be anything random ? Or it has to be the my own username
Do document media covers audio video image too ?? can we query media file size via telethon??
how to handle invite link join that require admin approval ?
how can i get a list of groups/channels created by me?
client.get_dialog vs client.iter_dialog ??