You are sending a .gif file?
Is there any known reasons, as to why my telethon script stops after like half a minute? Happens only on VPS. After it stopped, I can type anything in the console and it doesn...
So let's say I've got a .session file. It doesn't mean I can connect to account yet, right? What would be the easiest way to check (preferably without connecting to account), ...
In Telegram, button that were recently pressed, are highlighted, and you can't press them again for some time If I'm sending buttons to the user (bot), how can I disable this ...
Hmm, noticed a strange thing When I try to get all of the stories for a particular user, what works for me, is: stories = await client(GetUserStoriesRequest( user_id=user_...
(user script) Is there any easy way to have both event callbacks, and execute some telethon command in infinite while loop? So for example handle all new messages, but at the ...
So you now how like when you type a message, choose a video/emoji or something like that, it says at the top "Username types a message..." Is it possible to get an update like...
Just noticed, in Pyrogram you can do app.add_handler(), to register handlers after the function was already created. Can I do the same in Telethon?
In docs it says that request_phone creates a keyboard button. Is it possible to create button with the same functions, but inline?
I trusted before, but now I'm confused)) Maybe I should use it differently?
So, I wanted to start a new project with Telethon, but found out about v2 Is it already done? If not, then how much to wait? Would it be easy to migrate existing project? Than...
How harsh are FloodWaits for UserStatusOnline, GetFullUserRequest, GetUserStoriesRequest, client.get_entity() (id/username)? Like, it it ok to make a lot of these requests?
So if I understand correctly, I can also pass different buttons while editing the message, and they will replace existing?
Doesn't leaving by id work for private channels?
I mean, rate limits apply not to the app, but only to the account, right? But still, idk how would they do it
Is there any way to make sure, that this doesn't happen anymore? Or I can't use this app/account for any scripts anymore
can you change the value, that you get when sending random stickers? like darts or basketball
Is it possible to remove/change inline buttons, by editing a message with them (bot)?
So you are connected to your Telegram account, as a user?