crvUSD: I heard from a group of people they‘ve been hard liquidated during this crash. Problem was: Repay didn’t work although they where live in front of the computer. -> w...
Curve Lending- What does this means: "(...) powered by LLAMMA for soft-liquidations"? On Aave, collateral will be soled if to close to collateral value. On Curve Lending, the...
Llamelend: if I borrow all available crvUSD in a position, what happens if the supplier withdraw the supply?
What is the difference between REPAY and SELF-LIQUIDATION on crvUSD Position?
No liquidity for crvUSD swaps on 1inch an Uni? Can anyone confirm that?
crvUSD: Is there any value of the health factor, when you get 100% hard liquidated? I guess 0. But is it like "1/0" or is something like a "transitory area"?