Yea, so what I'm trying to do is update the device version upon any device updates. Whenever I provide new session data key word arguments to TelegramClient a bug occurs raisi...
What prevents us from being able to use the official API ID and API hash?
Meaning in my application, what likely occurred is Telegram encountered a auth-related error, and handled it by disconnecting? Which eventually led to the ConnectionError?
Does anyone know what could cause a client to disconnect? Getting ConnectionError: Cannot send requests while disconnected rose in my application.
I played with asyncio.create_task to no avail. Is there another asyncio API/method that replicates the functionality of multiprocessing.Process.start?
In the above snippet I attempted comparing the messages directly, which obviously won't work. I'm wondering if there is a constant object/attribute of the Message object that ...
So is it possible to reverse engineer the official applications to dissect and extract the credentials for firebase?
Are you the developer of the application raising the AuthKeyDuplicatedError?
Not one question I asked was related to spamming, you're assuming I want to perform abuse because I want to discover a method to allow my application to sign up?????
With Telegram's server? Like some authentication granting the official applications the ability to perform sign up that isn't the API ID and API hash?
The tokens are bot tokens?
If I reinstantiate a client using the same session/auth key during the same runtime, will this cause any race conditions?
So in some cases when one of these errors are encountered via Telegram's server, the telethon library will auto disconnect?
Can you use the official telegram application's API ID and API hash to perform sign up with telethon?
Is there a Telegram GUI application that works with Telethon session objects?
Is this caused only by calling client.disconnect or is it also caused by session termination/revoking?
Is it possible to embed a youtube video into a telegram message's html using telethon?
If you compile the official telegram application from source, can you still use SMS for signup?
Are you coding this application yourself or are you using an application from a third party?
Hm, I wonder if, theoretically I could compare the file hashes if media/documents are present else compare message text?