bot.add_event_handler(img, events.NewMessage()) bot.add_event_handler(start, events.NewMessage(pattern = '/start')) how can i make an antipattern? for ignoring the me...
how can i get an username? ex, for checking if its an GroupAnonymousBot
how can i check if an user is anonymous? print(event.from_id) print(event.chat_id) print(event.sender_id) print(await event.get_input_sender()) tried those b...
sorry, what type is event? Cannot access member "reply" for type "UpdateNewMessage" Member "reply" is unknown - Pylance
How can I check if an event is a message reply? if event.reply_to worked for me but inside a thread it doesn't work since it's used to reply to a thread and not to a message
can i send actions with event.reply or something near to this? to avoid specifyng chat_id
Inline Mode can be used for auto completion? Ex. @bot text .parameter <suggestions of possible values> .<suggestions of possible parameters>...
is there any way to "auto complete" or update my text to the selected option without sending the message? to continue adding more patterns or things like that
is it possible to send an image and save the message in a variable and edit the message to add more images?
😪 or any way to attach the caption into the sticker? im trying with caption argument but it doesnt add it
pattern = r'^/start(@' + re.escape(bot_data.username) + r')?(\s|$)'
Any recommended userbot? For personal and non harmful purposes
Can I add a pattern in event handler with {variable}?
will it be updated to v2 in telethon 2?
can i add an error handler?
and what if its not interrupted?
i think i fixed it with "^(?!/).*$"
how can i send a message to chat_id > topic_id ?
So no way to get autocompletion?