Do the messages in the comment group attached to the channel belong to the channel?
When I use event.reply to reply to an event with an image, can I add a caption to the image? await event.reply(file=img, caption=caption) he doesn't work
If a function has two @client.on, does the function only need to meet the filtering rules of one of them before the function will receive the message?
What do I do if I need to run a new client using a user-supplied BOT_TOKEN and perform some functionality? Do you pass in the BOT_TOKEN variable when creating a new coroutine?
Can I get username from id?
For new album messages I can use @client.on(events.Album(func=lambda e: e.is_channel)) async def handler_album(event): await event.delete() Delete album message Does a...
Is there a way to view the album message as a whole?
🫢@client.on(event.album) Is there anything special? If I use @client.on(events.NewMessage) then event.delete() he will delete only the last picture in the album, while @client...
Was the account logged out or deleted?
Can event.is_group and _channel not distinguish whether the message comes from the channel or the group?
or if event.file and else not event.file: Will this differentiate between a captioned image and a plain text message?
Can I refresh the chat I'm in?
client = TelegramClient(MemorySession(), API_ID, API_HASH).start(bot_token=BOT_TOKEN) Is this the right way?
So, I can reverse lookup the username by id and send them a message, can this reverse lookup be avoided?
This should be expected behavior,Is there any functional update to Telegram? I’ll check it out.
Can I use event.text to determine whether it is a plain text message?
Maybe for certain geographical restrictions?