When anvil launch?
So if September hits and no SDK or launch, what would be the excuse then? 🤔
Do you guys think auditing is still going on?
How would you guys feel if April hits and there’s still no word from the team?
Is a ethereum etf officially confirmed? I’m seeing mixed News on Twitter 🤔
How come there’s no advertising with anvil if the goal is to increase the amount of staked tokens? 🤔
When anvil launch or SDK? 🥹
So what are we waiting on now gents? 👀
When is the last day of consensus?
You guys think anything will drop before the holiday? (Next week)
Is flexmas still happening?
Everyone keeps saying “soon” but nothing is happening. Is it turning into delusion at this point? 👀
Why tweet about something that will be approved any day now?