Okay so seems like coinbase is not moving to v2?
Thank you. Will that change the current price of the coin (Will the coin price drop due to more circulating supply being added)?
Did coinbase delist DYP? Why marketcap is no longer showing?
Any new listing that are coming up in the near future besides kucoin?
The circulating supply has been increasing recently for v2 but v1 circulating supply is not changing (it supposed to decrease). Is the migration still happening from v1 to v2?
Coinbase is only supporting USDT on the Ethereum blockchain (ERC-20). Does apply to v2?
Are you guys planning on releasing the app maybe around the summer time?
Are you guys planning to add your project to more cex?
Guys why I am getting these pirce difference?
So I stacked in dyp and then unstaked but left rewards. Do I need to stake to see my rewards?
There are a lot of activities on v1 and v2 volume. Is there any news that I am not aware of coming up in near future?
I visited your website. How you did you guys had the time to do all that? Lol. You guys really invested into this project
For %12.5 stacking for DYP token. I know it is not locked but is it 24 hours for the %12.5 to complete?
I have a transaction that has been pending for a bout 10 mins, is that normal?
If coinbase will not support v2, we should have time to move our DYP v1 to coinbase wallet, is that correct?
Hello guys. I see on coinbase now that circulating supply is 22.7 million. Will that change after the migration?
Does the DYP 12.5% is based on the money value, or token quantity?
Guys, what i am doing wrong in here? I am trying to connect wallet metamask
Are we expecting any new announcements this month?
Thank you for info. Will coinbase circulating supply change also in the future?