Hello team, I have a question regarding next text from an article and if Energyweb is still working on EW-DOS or what the plans are for the future regarding EW-DOS? Can an...
@Daniyal do you have an update about the autogreencharge how it’s going?
Are we promoting enough on X ? I got a warning ⚠️ on my account doing illegal promoting so I need to take a little step back. Just 100 posts a day instead of 1000😎 💜💪💜💪💜
Hello @DaniyalAjdadi I know there are pools coming up but why we didn’t got the pools in August as promised in the video energyweb dive from May? Curious for the reason what...
@team What’s going on?
Hoe long is it that we not get rewarded for this? I am running a full node but indeed as Frank said now no rewards. When is this solved? Another question is about the missed ...
We are loosing people added to watchlist on CoinGecko. Now just 8 to go and we are under 59000. Followers on X for Energyweb have only increased in 9 months with 2000 extra f...
What’s is the reward in EWT for full node in DS? Looks it doubled to me or I forgot yesterday😉to count 😂
Agile energy X anything to do with Energyweb? If not oppertunity for new marketing guy @DaniyalAjdadi
What’s going on? It hasn’t been this quiet from team ever. I almost think they’re up to something very big. I think we might be positive surprised very soon. Do we have An...
Started sf3 yesterday 24 hrs ago and just got 17 votes. Now pushed workernode on pause but already 30 minutes on paused. Never not showing the the restartbutton again. I thoug...
Everybody is out EWX Digital Spine DS according to link from Jeroen. All went to SF?
Informatief on the link: https://digitalspine.ewchain.io/ Stated by stake = 0 I don’t understand that while I staking? I see in the list more people with stake = 0 Not on...
Possible multi pc on one ip address?
@DaniyalAjdadi Can you confirm that tokens can be transferred from smartflow as soon as digital spine opens? Don’t want to miss the rewards from joining smartfloat but want ...