The wallet connect feature is also available in trust wallet right? IF doesn't with metamask why don't we try other way? Or you guys saying that walletconnect function itself ...
Team. Will there be support for controllers?
Or it's fake? I got it from the dyp price group
Does the team think of giving some drops of wod token to dyp and idyp holders?
And any update on the governance page?
well. I have just been investing continuously in dyp and idyp. Finally I am planning to play the game. But I am getting error. Can anyone help me out?
How do we track it and how exactly burn happen?
and how do I get that golden pass?
Team. Is there any recent update that you have done to update coinbase? Just in case they forgot or overlooked the previous request may be
Where can I get the airdrop?
Are we planning on making it a multi player challenging game?
You mean there is a burning mechanism for idyp too?
Anyone can confirm this?
Is it the same way for dyp too?