Glad both pools of LGCYX staking has finally been declared closed but kind of confused by the whole thing. The original close date was extended multiple times, into August, ...
don’t really understand the message for OG rewards. As part of the original OTC over 5 million club I’m told previously I’m eligible, but I handled everything then through Tw...
Wait so those of us who had the long term belief in the project to stake for 6 months are going to be rewarded by having all the 3 month stakers pouring in and diluting the 6 ...
?? So we can’t ask questions here anymore?
Also, who heart reacts their own comment?
Will LGCYX staking for USDL rewards on LRC (and the ability to convert ERC back to LRC) be open by the time the current LGCYX ERC 3 month superstaking is complete?
So according to X tweet staking deadline 10 days?
All caught up on pins and X posts, did I somehow miss the partnership announcement that was going to be announced concurrently? Maybe still waiting on when LP goes live?