@samkazemian what happens after $5M usde/susde is utilized? Is a governance vote required for additional assets?
@samkazemian you don’t have respond to this, let me just do 1 last hypothetical example with @WethWood and @QrayonS . Guys, as part of FIP-352 (read it, if you are not familia...
Fraxlend question - i am planning to be a lender for cvx-frax pool. Currently, borrow rate is 28% while lend apy is only 17%. Why is there such a huge difference?
I thought utilization rate above 90% causes borrow rates to increase..so why utilization rate of 55% has high borrow rates for cvx-frax pools?
Also surprisingly utilization is only 55% for cvx-frax pool…so why is the borrow rate so high?