can u update from the dashboard or have to download again?
so, i have been traveling and havent been doing my node. i just tried to connect my wallet and it is saying it cannot connect. do i need to update for my wallet to connect?
is this new announcement bullish?
Asked this yesterday. But ill ask again. On the green app with evs.. So is the app and the node going to be run on the car? I know the application is installed on the EV but ...
hey fellas, so sorry if this has been discussed.. but for the autogreen recharge ,, u need to have an electric car? how does it work?
Have only around 500 ewt at the moment.. probably will get more later .. just waiting for the mkt to do its thing.. in saying, I wanted to do something with it in regards to t...
what if i travel every couple of months, starting and stopping would be a problem?
Wats energy webs git link?