your game engine doesn't support menus?
export const useStyles = makeStyles((theme: Theme,) => ({ root: { '& .MuiDialog-paper': theme.modalDropShadows ? undefined : { boxShadow: "none !imp...
got a question?
something like let lengthMatch = parentArr[0].length; parentArr.forEach( arr => { arr.length === lengthMatch ? console.log( "it's a match" ) : console.log( "different len...
guys, this is messy but: <Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons.SfCheckBox TChecked=bool Checked=@CheckedTechniciansIds.Contains(...
z-index? positioning?
I assume you have a good reason to reinvent the wheel?
anyone using Blazor? I've noticed an issue where fontawesome icons seem to break rendering or render the wrong icon, possibly due to breaking DOM diffing. I've done this in j...
@Wiz0u do you have a good way to shorten this maybe? var monthsBack = 0; while (monthsBack < 6) { var current = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-monthsBack...
you mean using an actual debugger right?
doesn't c# garbage collect anyway?
how could I convert a List<Technician> to a List<UITechnician>?
submitted for your consideration, the amount of symbols to do an interpolated string expression in Blazor: @($"{( cond ? "str1" : "str2" )} rest of string")
will run every tick?
yo, just curious about something in TS. type UnionKey = "a" | "b"; type UnionKeyObj = { [key in UnionKey]: string; } const myObj: UnionKeyObj = { a: "hi" } // err, prop "...
does it fail correctly? test it
Debugged and vars are what you expect?
const subreddit = await reddit.getSubreddit('any'); const submission = await subreddit.getRandomSubmission(); const url = submission.url; try it like this and tell me where i...
for a blazor app I'd run netsh winhttp set proxy
[ subscribed, setSubscribed ] = useState(false); // or you reach into your data and find the user's subscription state return ( <> <input type="checkbox" checked={!!sub...