well me dumbass unfortonatley claimed just6chill.dev and other domains with just6chill for one year and after that yeetet the contract🤣 what alternative domain would you choo...
Is there a Project that converts makefile into CMake file? 😅
Is C++ your first language?
Is this enough for u to realize what a Fan guy I am?
i guess those are for more experienced people. arent there normal books where the author is explaining those things one by one?
damn am i dumb... any idea how i could assign the value of a char *ptr, lets say "test" to a char *arr[0]?
Is there a pure C++ Framework for Android app development?
is it worth to start a hobby os project?
is anyone here familiar with assembling x86? i have a small question
@usernamestring what are you doing with Java and Kotlin? Mobile Apps? And Windows dev with C#?
Who else is deep in love with C++?
do you have a backup?
Self programmed or just forked?
Doenst matter or ?