hmm p2p? komodo wallet or thorchain is good choices for onchain trading
No Wrapped Litecoin on Polygon yet?
hit a require or revert statement somewhere in its constructor. Try: * Verifying that your constructor params satisfy all require conditions. * Adding reason strings t...
hi guys everything back to normal?
I was thinking, will the ratio get mess up or will have any problem if a reflect token is deposited large amounts in a contract/masterchef for example, then it's excludedFromR...
Inside Trading of some influencer?
guys did you knew it?
A scammer said I would gonna die in 5 hours and we knewd something? 😞
why some days BSC testnet don't deploy contracts?
Sorry, what i mean is that, a variable is garanteed to store a value with time? i don't need to put as a storage for example? Or with time it can lose its memory
who wants to see a funny thing?
Anyone here already created a smart contract on reef?
1 LTC = 1 LTC?
anyone can help me with library linking on hardhat? NomicLabsHardhatPluginError: The contract Factory is missing links for the following libraries:
a crypto named Omicron up 400%? lol
where's BULL?
is bsc testnet not working right now?
haha whats up with those galaxy investments scammers bots?
Guys for proxy tokens how to use it on our contract?
What about derivatives?