Компилятор Тайпскрипта жалуется на этот кусок кода: const emojiSearchResult =; if (emojiSearchResult && emojiSearchResult.length !== 0) {...
If you don't have DI then you will have to instantiate dependencies manually, usually inside constructor. For example: public class UserService { private UserRepository us...
I didn't see such method call in the link I've provided, where did you get it from? :) I've never worked with Java GUI frameworks (fortunately) but people from SO recommend t...
Yeah, but on the exam there will probably be some stupid questions like "What is the result of this code?" or "Why this code isn't working?" with some obscure, hard to underst...
Well if his message contained only a question mark written in non English language then he may had done this accidently I guess? Although it's very interesting which language ...
And what if you want to use some database which stores data as JSON? (i.e. MongoDB) If you use @JsonIgnore then your password hash won't be stored in database either :)
Do you want to add Hibernate as external library or what?
The url parameter looks suspicious to me, don't you need to specify the full URL of your API like http://localhost:8080/my/api/endpoint?
То, как ты написал, будет работать, но только если money передать как параметр запроса, а не в теле. То есть POST /accounts/id-аккаунта?money=100500
In IntelliJ IDEA you also need to enable annotation processing in settings. Maybe you have to do something similar in Eclipse?
Which objects are in that HashSet? It may be possible because of poorly defined equals() and / or hashCode() methods
That mapping is weird, do you want your URL to be something like http://localhost/pendingApproval.html123?
What do you mean by saying "not working"? Which error do you get? What is the expected behavior?
How are you trying to access the second page? Do you receive any exception?
You mean, you call yourString.equals(otherString) and it always returns false, even if strings are actually equal?
Why even use text editor instead of IDE like WebStorm or IntelliJ IDEA? :D
Do you mean having ability to open multiple projects at once?
What's the problem? 😀 I prefer Maven over Gradle too
А что случилось с Докером в 10ке?
В смысле? Ты про разметку?))