why you should iterate over a mapping?
why you can't show?
btw do you plan to use it for your token wich has fees?
wait you want to deploy the same contract over and over?
I think you have no idea of what your code does right?
internet service provider you mean?
guys anyone knows how to send legacy tx with ethers?
flash loan fees?
tried with llamarpc?
If a token isn't on Bsc, how can you find its bsc address?😂
did you understand what Alice ask?
static analysis?
did you force or no?
you want to add 20k of liquidity without having 20k?
did you jump to v3 already?😝
or you don't know how to take a screenshot?
Lol, just found reading an audit. Are them serious?
so 1 gwei = ???? wei
did you think that maybe noone did it because doesn't make sense?