169 похожих чатов

15 ответов

12 просмотров
Freezy- Автор вопроса

do you think it is readble for a normal human without superpowers?

Do u have accounts task in ur hardhat config?

Sorena Aria
No. The problem is

Then u need to add it.. it won't work unless u have hardhat accouts task in ur hardhat config file..

Anonymous King (Don't DM)
Then u need to add it.. it won't work unless u hav...

I know but npm removes some files in config.js I do not know why

This lines tell about accounts And I donot see any accounts I run this command: npx hardhat accounts But revert: HH303 it means the commands are unknown for system

Sorena Aria
This lines tell about accounts And I donot see any...

Without that lines in ur hh config file hh won't know that task..so it will be unknown to hh.. so did u confirm u have that lines in ur hh config file??

Sorena Aria
I know it I searching solution

Solution is just paste lines of my ss to ur hh config file..

Sorena Aria

task("accounts", "Prints the list of accounts", async (taskArgs, hre) => { const accounts = await hre.ethers.getSigners(); for (const account of accounts) { console.log(account.address); } });

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Mr Thieves
Ну тогда у меня вопрос... ) А вот в Delphi 7, к примеру, это что не решаемая задача была бы? (дженериков то ещё нету) Эта: https://t.me/Delphi_Lazarus/319568
@wit01d How are you? What are you studying these days, curious man ?
Sahand 🏔️
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