169 похожих чатов

Hello! Are you looking for a developer that will help you

to develop your Defi project?

I will create and publish a robust Defi system from PancakeSwap, UniSwap V2 / V3 and SushiSwap. I can customize the smart contracts from pancake swap / uniswap / sushiswap as you want. I can also customize the UI as the requirement. It will have perfect professional features to attract users and of course unique visual looking.

I can build the defi sites on various blockchains including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain (BSC), Aptos, Polygon (Matic), Fantom and Harmony network.

I also have good skills in dev-ops so I can manage the server (cpanel or VPS) and domain to launch the site online. I can also help you to protect the site with Cloudflare and firewalls.

Benefits of my service

Token development with detailed tokenomics
Trading with various predefined and customized tokens
Farming / Staking / Pooling with your token
Referral system
ICO / IDO / Presale Launchpad
NFT Marketplace with governance or customized token
NFT mint engine / nft farming / nft staking
Lottery / Gaming system
Support walletconnect 2.0

kindly contact me now for proper communication


3 ответов

23 просмотра

If you are looking for a job or you have a job offer use @ethereum_jobs_market.


Mike Mike

If you are looking for a job or you have a job offer use @ethereum_jobs_market.

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