169 похожих чатов

Hi all, will the solidity language still be relevant to

enter blockchain development ? or will this soon change due to the slowness and difficulty of scaling ethereum ?

16 ответов

96 просмотров

Are blaming solidity for Ethereum's issue?

eXecz 🇺🇦- Автор вопроса
Steve ANT
Are blaming solidity for Ethereum's issue?

I just want to figure out if I should start with solidity or if it's better to learn Rust

"Is it better to learn x or y?" That's not how things work

eXecz 🇺🇦- Автор вопроса
Steve ANT
"Is it better to learn x or y?" That's not how thi...

There's just a fear that I'll waste a lot of Solidity's time at a time when Rust developers will be needed more and more in the marketplace

solidity won't go anywhere

eXecz 🇺🇦
There's just a fear that I'll waste a lot of Solid...

And who told you that the rust developers will be needed more despite having thousands of evm chains?

eXecz 🇺🇦- Автор вопроса
eXecz 🇺🇦
Tier 2 solutions also use the same Solidity?

We don't have variations of the solidity language

eXecz 🇺🇦
Tier 2 solutions also use the same Solidity?

don't know what is tier 2 solution but solidity is a language compatible with EVM

eXecz 🇺🇦
There's just a fear that I'll waste a lot of Solid...

One advantage of learning rust is you won't be limited to blockchain space only. But again, if you are new to programming, start with a simpler high level language than rust

can i ask, if i know kinda a lot about solidity. can i go straight to Rust now?

can i ask, if i know kinda a lot about solidity. c...

Knowing a lot of solidity doesn't have any relation with learning rust. Its syntax is completely different. If you're good with oop concepts and got a pretty decent understanding of programming languages, go for it

Grim (Travelling)
Knowing a lot of solidity doesn't have any relatio...

well i studied C# which is OOP language in high school for 4 years lol.

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