169 похожих чатов

Hello friends I want to write a special contract and deploy

it through truffle or hardhat
My problem:
I get a clone from the seadrop contract and execute the yarn init and yarn build commands. After that, I write a contract as follows, but during compilation, errors are returned stating that some files do not exist (one of the errors returned is Error: not found operator-filter-registry/DefaultOperatorFilterer.sol
) where is the problem How can I solve my problem?

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.8.17;
import { ERC721SeaDrop } from "src/ERC721SeaDrop.sol";
contract Test is ERC721SeaDrop {
string memory name,
string memory symbol
address[] memory allowedSeaDrop
) ERC721SeaDrop(name, symbol, allowedSeaDrop) {}

9 ответов

25 просмотров

If you're copy-pasting a contract, you should know how to copy-paste the import dependencies as well... 🤦‍♂️https://github.com/ProjectOpenSea/operator-filter-registry

Amir-Faramarzi Автор вопроса
If you're copy-pasting a contract, you should know...

In the seadrop contract published in opensea's GitHub, all used external libraries are stored as submodules. 😑

Amir Faramarzi
In the seadrop contract published in opensea's Git...

Prob learn the basics, not knowing how to fork a contract, don't sound well in your development goals...

Amir-Faramarzi Автор вопроса
Prob learn the basics, not knowing how to fork a c...

Please teach me how to solve my current problem

Amir Faramarzi
Please teach me how to solve my current problem

Experience cost time, and time cost money. If you don't want to spend any, I suggest to invest either your time or money in some who can.

Amir-Faramarzi Автор вопроса
Experience cost time, and time cost money. If you ...

You don't want to teach anything, please don't talk philosophy😐😂

Amir Faramarzi
You don't want to teach anything, please don't tal...

You better stop disrespecting other developers here, we aren't here to spoonfed you There are plenty of learning resources

Amir Faramarzi
You don't want to teach anything, please don't tal...

Philosophy and advice are the only free assets I can give you, the rest is up to you.

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