Hi. Is it safe to do arithmetic operations with different uint? For example uint256 with uint16 or better to use one type?
Hi. I'm still new to web3 development. Help me to understand the next case. I deployed my contract to the test network and I can interact with it via my dapp without any node ...
Hi. Is it possible in web3.js to approve and send tokens in one call? Now I do it like this: tokenContract.methods.approve(address, numberToWei(amount)).send({ from: user }) ...
Hi. Should I control how many transactions send to my contract per block? I mean is it possible that someone can spam my contract with a number of transactions more than Ether...
Hi. I migrated from web3.js to ethers.js and see that ethers displays all numbers with n at the end, like 110n, and because of this when I open redux devtool it shows me an er...
Hi. Should I worry about reentrancy in the solidity version >=0.8? I tried to reproduce the reentrancy attack but it fails, then I found on stackoverflow that since solidity 0...
Hi. I don't see requests to infura in the Network tab of the Chrome dev tool, but calls to my smart contract via infura execute and I can get data. My question how can it be p...