understand the next case. I deployed my contract to the test network and I can interact with it via my dapp without any node provider like Infura. But all the tutorials that I watched say that you have to connect Infura or others to be able to interact with the contract. So, the question is how does it happen that my dapp interacts with the contract without infura?
You’re probably using injected web3 like MetaMask wallet MetaMask will allow you to interact with the blockchain also
yes, you are right, I use web3.js, in this case, if I can interact via Metamask then when will I need Infura and do I need it it at all? Because other users will also have metamask installed
No you don’t strictly need infura
so, am I understanding it correctly? we can use Infura if we want to interact with the contract from the backend because there is no such thing as metamask on the backend side
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