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Hi. Is it safe to do arithmetic operations with different

uint? For example uint256 with uint16 or better to use one type?

9 ответов

67 просмотров

Unsigned integers (uint) are similar to integers, but they can only store positive values. Like integers, unsigned integers can be declared with a number of bits, such as uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64, and so on, up to uint256.

It depends what you're trying to do and what you expect to be the maximum uint in your arithmetic's. Using smaller uint's are more gas efficient.

Bogdan- Автор вопроса
It depends what you're trying to do and what you e...

for example this function function calculate(uint256 a, uint16 b) public view returns (uint256 memory) { uint256 result = a * b - a; return result; } is it safe?

for example this function function calculate(uint...

That would depend on what you're calculating there, if its Token amounts, NO its not. For Tokens minimum use uint128.

Bogdan- Автор вопроса

What are you multiplying the Token amount with? I suppose this is a percentage? And always close your logic in brackets for any case uint256 result = (a * b) - a;

Bogdan- Автор вопроса
What are you multiplying the Token amount with? I ...

yes, it's like the loan calculator. User enters the amount of tokens and the percentage

yes, it's like the loan calculator. User enters th...

Then its fine, if you dont expect "b" to ever go over 65,535, should work as good and even a soft stopper for anyone adding anything above.

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