Hello, How to write linear rgb in css file? use the function rgb()?
which editor do you use with PHP?
rust do not support type inference? let a = 15; let b = a / 2.0; //7.5 I get error[E0277]: cannot divide {integer} by {float}
how to split a string based on case? for example split "FooAxxDxx" into "Foo" "Axx" "Dxx"
hello, I have a question about chez scheme, what's the executable name in all other OS?
someone told me Python 4 is coming, really?
@GodOfOwls i have search in Google. but failed to find info link. do you know any page contains this feature?
can I share website link here? or can we add link to website?
is there anyone use Vim as Python editor? I want to call for Pythonlanguage layer maintainer.
which text editor do you use when code with python?
hello, which text editor are you using with JavaScript? and why? https://spacevim.org/use-vim-as-a-javascript-ide/
ok, thanks, I will add it to TODO list, 1. rename, now spacevim support rename in js, but lsp layer need to be loaded, it will use js language server 2. why use local eslint ...
hello, can we leave a poll here? just want to know when do you want the editor format your code.
any people using #spacevim in this group? https://spacevim.org/use-vim-as-a-java-ide/
hello, I am author of spacevim. I want to write an article about how to use Vim as php IDE. so my question is what is the most used function in VS or phpstorm?
what is the differences between IDE and text editor? such as vim?
hello, how can I find all *.txt file in current path and ignore the .git directory?
telegram Android APP do not support creating new channel now?
how to improve the cls of website?
hello, any open source project author here? I want to make a general discussion about how to manager open source project.