Any ideas for improvement or criticism? If not stars would be appreciated ;)
Any ideas for improvement or criticism?
Is it a real alternative for enterprise Kubernetes environments? Is it more lightweight?
Is it possible to iterate over a list of git repos instead of clusters in an application set?
I personally don't, but on that note, is there an operator that watches for cm/secret changes and restarts the pods they are mounted on?
Any experience with node-problem-detector for k8s?
There is this c++ program that i want to compile and run on windows, using SFML and cmake. Do I have to install VS, or is there a quicker way to do that? This is the sc https:...
Is devops a good field to invest in and learn nowdays? Compared to web development for example
And what kind of goals require computing at the edge?
I'm trying to export a k8s service with Loadbalancer A url is given but the dns is not resolving it. What could be the problem?
So what's the alternative for concurrent API requests for example in go? Raw goroutines and channels?
Quick question, how important is fog computing? Do you think it brings value to IoT? And if so what value?
Couldn't there be a general reused implementation for deep copy?
Newbie question, why is deep copy so popular in go code?
Is the amount of goroutines at any time constant?
So is function overloading also not a thing?
How do you design generic tools then?