I have a token problem where taxes work fine when not autoswapped to BNB but when the call to the function is added inside the transfer function it fails. Only difference bein...
What is a non-reflect token with autoswap taxes?
Wouldn't it be secure enough to allow transferFrom() if (tx.origin==from) as an alternative to having to do approvals? So you check (tx.origin==from || amount<=allowance[from...
Is there any co-marketing? Is there any matching of internal funding outside of the unmatched grant amount? Any dev tech support?
So time to move from ckb wallet into staking?
Is nervos trying to setup an anyswap-arbitrage environment? That's what this bridge is doing. Easy way to gain users from traders
Is the velas grant program still operating? My project was looking at launching on it for over a year. Is Shirley Valge still COO?
Safepal says invalid address when trying to send to portal wallet address?
All of these reflect tokens seem to not inherit a base reflect token like openzepplin's. Any known tokens that already have that kind of code separation?
How did you get your ckb onto godwoken?
Any way to have neuron only keep the chainstate and not download the cache? Or is there another option that does this? Seems like all the options on the wa llet site are accou...
Are you able to make L2 transfers to accounts with no balance that haven't been initialized? Like transfering stablecoin on polyjuice to a new account without losing tokens?
Anyone know if godwoken polyjuice will have fees in the future?
Is there an official channel where I can subscribe to just official pinned messages?
Is the 2300 gas from the transfer function enough gas to read & change one uint256 variable?
Do we have to keep checking the website every 12 hours or will the acceleraytor ido actually be notified in the announcement channel?
But is there any extra thing that might come up? Seems kinda like it was created just for the banker investors to counter inflation
How do I import an existing metamask wallet? Into velas wallet? Or is there a dapp for the bridge on a site that works with metamask?
Are the nervos team expanding for devs to build more bridges? Or some kind of bounty?
Is godwoken developed by the l1 team? Only one dev team working on both chains?