hi, on astroport my adress is said to be eligible for airdrop, i connect my wallet but "total rewards" yields 0 ASTRO. what should be done ?
hi, when u lock CRV on curve, you get 3CRV automatically or u need to invest in the 3pool ?
hi, do we know when IBC between terra and cosmos/osmosis will be restored?
hi, how can one bridge LUNA or UST from Terra to Cosmos ?
hi, i'm trying to deposit cUSD-cEUR LPv2 token on beefy but i've an "out of gas error", any idea? i increased the gas but still does not work
hi, i've bridged some cUSD from celo to polygon, with ubeswap. What is the adress of cUSD on polygon bc ?
hi, I have some LPs (mNFLX-UST) on mirror but I can't unbound for some reason. is there a bounding period to respect? i did unstake
hi, is there a way to bridge from Cronos (CRO tokens) to Cosmos?
may I ask again my question: I have some LP on tricrypto (v1 which seems deprecated), what is the best strategy to "migrate" towards the v2 without paying too much fees ? i'v...
Hi. I have some atricrypto LP on Curve polygon (crvUSDBTCETH) appearing on debank for example, but I can't sse them in my Curve dashboard. Any idea why? it's not atricrypto3 b...
hi, is there a tool to monitor defi positions on atom? (zapper like)
hi, how can one add bitsong to Kepler wallet ? manually, without connecting random websites
hi, is it possible to bridge CRV from polygon to FTM bc ?
hi, where is it possible to see the boost capacity of CRV per pool? i remember a table making a comparison of relative gauge weight
hi noob question here. I'd like to swap USDC -> USDT. How can I know an estimate price of the swap before doing it? i know only fee for allowing USDC spending
hi, what are the rewards of the 4eur pool ? in general, how is it possible to estimate rewards of factory pools?
the WETH on sushiswap LP CELO/WETH can be obtained by bridging WETH from ETH to polygon? or are there additonnal steps?
hi, not curve related, but is there a faucet for optimism? (need of OETH to make txs)
hi, I've some USDC (PoS) already on CELO, where can I find enough liquidity to swap them for cUSD and cEur ?
hi, is there a "debank" like for cosmos? especially on Terra network