Error response from daemon: Get "": tls: failed to verify certificate: x509: certificate has expired or is not yet valid: current time 2024-04-...
Hello, Pls if I am an employer and bought 1 branded email for my company am I able to create 3 email address form that branded email?
echo "<tr><td width=\"134px\" valign=\"top\"><center><img width=\"80px\" height=\"100px\" src=\"http://".$row3['Lecturer_img']."\" title=\"".$row3['Lecturer_fname']." ".$...
$id = (isset($_GET['id']) ? $_GET['id'] : ''); error_reporting(0); // Fetech user data based on id $result = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM student WHERE id=$id"); ...
//Update Information if (isset($_POST['btn-update'])) { $name = $_POST['username']; $mobile = $_POST['phnnum']; $address = $_POST['address']; $update = "UPDAT...
can someone explain the symbolic linking is done? sudo bh ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/python3.6
why the second row is [2 3] instead of ```[0 1]`` because i know when the second loop finishes for the first row it's suppose to start the second row from 0 but thats not the...
return ( mysql_result(mysqli_query($connection , "SELECT COUNT(`id`) FROM `allcourses` WHERE `cname`='$coursename'"), 0)==1) ? true: false;
does ubuntu really need python 2.7 even if you have latest python?
Guys I have python 2 and 3 on my machine I want to set python 3 as do i do that?
Are they somehow the same??
<input type="hidden" name="id" id="id" value="<?php echo $_POST['id']; ?>">
haha...What do you use by the way?
<td><?php echo "<a href=\"edit_user.php?id={$row['id']}\">Edit</a>
any body to help me with a java problem??
ok but I should cancel the upload right?
no how do that?
So i shoud change the editId to id right?
Guys I'm learning servlets...I want to know if it's an old framework or still worth learning?
I did a dual boot on ubuntu and now my windows drive displays on ubuntu desktop how do I hide it?