DK: How can we use Colum values from an excel file as input in python program ? I want to take inputs from an excel file in python and using the column values, I want to grab...
Is there any way by which we can build an Windows or Mac Application with a Pre-Scripted Python Script ? I mean I wanna build UI Application for a python script. So how is it ...
Is there anyone who can tell me which python library will be best and efficient to scraping data from websites ?
I want to download or Print an PDF file which opens with PDF JS Viewer in Web Browser. Is there any way by which we can print PDF or DOC file in PDF JS Viewer ?
Guys, Anyone there who can teach me how to setup a VPN in Linux ?
How can I learn Node.js in a single month ?
Hello there, Kindly tell me from where I should start learning JS. Is it necessary to learn Java before JS ? Kindly guide me. Thanks.
How can we create our own VPN in Linux ?
Is there any Library by which we can scan and Identify random words in YouTube Videos or Audio Files ?
How can we start writing our own shell scripts for faster operations ?
What happened ? You haven't answered it ?
Can anyone share Linux Commands PDF ?