Any ideas why crvusd slightly off peg? What are the mechanisms to keep it pegged?
I just seen USD+/ USDT+ lp, any idea what usd+ is?
is there a cheaper rpc for avax? gas fees killing me
So otc deals reduce supply on spot but doesnt increase price?
why aave paying 45% apr on crv with polygon?
any idea why mstable frax/ musd pool apr not refreshed yet? still has the old apr
I am really interested in this Axial AC4D pool, can someone tell me why TSD token is not same price as other stable coins? is it not pegged?
Can you please unlock funds on mstable/musd on matic? More then day passed still gauge not refeshing apr. The pool is clearly broke and stuck on same apr more then a day now
Who is this mich guy? Is that same as michael that has loan?
do u guys think these shorters will get squueze soon?
How does the otc deal effects price on exchanges?
I am looking to invest in polyfxs/musd for lock 3 years, can you tell me If the apr will hold and whats min likely it will drop?
Can luna raise price again? I am down so much
so when i am in a pool, is there a way to tell how many people staked for 3 years?
Can someone explain how avax burn mechanism work compare to luna?
so until todays over?
hi i have a question, why is on abracadabra its showing 1 yvftm = 2.52 mim? shouldn't it be current ftm price?
can you withdraw fantom from binance to fantom chain?
are we in a bear market?
i read here that the relay node tries again, but that doesn't seem to be the case, can u confirm?