How long will link staking keep printing ?
What’s the easiest way to buy Akash? Is it not compatible with MetaMask? Need a separate wallet and use cosmos chain?
What problems are people having with meta mask? Are you being hacked ? Funds lost? This is the first I’ve heard MetaMask is shit for interacting with defi. I’m sure if you con...
Has the initial staking worked out well for those who participated?
So I have to buy vBNT just to pull out my BNT?
Sounds like it was if you connect to certain dapps?
Anyone know about axelar and their cross chain interoperability?
They’re now calling API3 the leading oracle solution ?
Drake, I do wonder why JP Morgan doesn’t make their own blockchain or some of these corrupt government entities. Why use avax at all and launch onyx on their platform at all?
Isn’t there a way you can make everyone whole while you alter this. Do you really think people will wait months for this? We waited a while for V3 and it failed and now people...
This whole thing is a complete cluster , if we are staked what are the chances we lose all of our staked tokens? Are people just withdrawing to hope to get half their stack ba...
Was Schmidt at this meeting ?
What is the latest update? Anything new? Is it any better with increasing prices in the crypto sector
More good news. Why did we pump ?
Where are you seeing 40?
So I must have missed this but just saw this. How does this Biden EO going to effect crypto? Was this a reaction to that today or just the over global financial system being a...
Is bancor releasing their new version soon?
Do they really? I mean I can believe it. I don’t get the supply and demand of these homes. Seems like there is no supply for the young people