Any live stream link for the upcoming talk at consensus?
Should I screen record the multiple times he mentioned this in the first call for you?
If the pool keeps rebalancing and selling the eth for bnt isn't that an inflationary death spiral?
Any update on FTX's purchase of Bancor?
Bancor Weekly Update - Week of July 25, 2022 - DAOs requesting deposits to be re-enabled on-chain - Using superfluid liquidity to fuel recovery - Aggregator integrations - V3 ...
If I revoke "Bancor: Liquidity Protection" as an approved spender on etherscan will that affect the coins I have staked in the pool?
Do you expect the team to address this concern on the call or medium this week?
Is there an active proposal for migrating v2 liquidity to v3?
Hey do any of you have that tweet regarding Eric Schmidt and an oracle?
Why are they testing it with LP funds against their wishes?
What do you suggest I do now?
Is dune not updating correctly?
Missed the call, is it over?