I am helping in a project with some colleagues from the Mina community to give simple examples of what mine is like without long paragraphs. But give us time.And believe me. T...
the future guys! : Binance x 2 ETH x 2 Ada x 3 Solana x 3 Mina Protocol x10. What do you prefer? I prefer money :D
Today solana has suffered a stoppage due to the number of transactions she had. We know that all blockchains have scalability problems in high transaction volumes. Could Mina ...
there is a new update to aurowallet. You can choose mainnet or testnet. Could you explain the utility?
Ty! dear erika, where could i see the mine ecosystem or what projects are already underway?
Erika which is the best program to develop projects in the Mina, Javascript or Rust ?
when solstarter?