Wtf is this real?
Is it not enough to just hold link and get rich from staking?
I'm thinking about unstaking everything and betting it all on Trump. I can double my stack and still can stake again in December. Can Trump lose?
Everything is gonna pump more when Trump wins? Open longs now?
Are they cheating again? Something happened to the voting machines
Why cant this shit just go to 3 digits already? Fucking hell
Damn, I only own link though. What's top 1% of link? A few thousands?
Will he pump our link bags too?
How much did 4chans fud campaign affect the price through the years?
Why do chainlink labs have so many enemies?
How can someone keep fudding all day everyday like that?
What does it mean to make it in 5, 10 or whatever years? Will Link be worth 100, 1000, or whatever in those x years? I just need like $30-$50, hopefully we will get there in 1...
Only 10 more years until we make it?
Are we really going back down to $6?
Is it worth to unstake and sell when it pumps?
What's with the Pleiadians? Are they same as Annunaki or whatever?
Buy some more now or wait?
Is this the new "2 years of $6-$7" range?
Is this real? Is it happening?
Study what? I'm almost fully staked and waiting to be rich. Are we gonna get rich or not?