How much bad press is it going to take for Keplr to support more than one single hardware wallet?
It seems IFO as well, so what gets talked about here?
i can’t swap my bnb/bscdefi lp tokens to cake or anything else, even at 15% slippage. it says “No quotes available”. is there anything i could do?
when does autostaking restake my earned coins?
Is there a website that shows staking analytics? Like the amount of atom being unstaked
hello. i'm trying to withdraw sol to my binance wallet from coin98. it keeps saying transaction failed. how do i fix this?
what do when stuck at confirming?
why do people push for liquid staking? long unlock period encourages saving and i believe it is what keeps atom's price up when everything else is bleeding
why does yieldfarm not show accurate results?
is there a way to remove beth from my spot while still getting staking rewards? i moved it to funding and i stopped getting rewards
is there a way to find out my daily earnings from farms and pools?
When cake back at $20?
i believe it's this one
how do i deal with garbage trades that clutter up on my address by scams? create a new metamask wallet?
It costs 22k to obtain a useless something?
what happens when i add liquidity to a pair that doesn’t exist in the farms page?