Staking on elrond wallet also qualifies?
Hi guys. For the metabonding airdrops, do have to stake my EGLD or does LP on mayar exchange also qualify?
im staking with steak4all. anyone an idea where to claim the additional stake rewards?
hi guys. where can i buy Umee?
hi guys. Where do the APRs for stMatic pools come from in the UI? i am recieving way less then shown..
Hi, whats the current unstaking time for Matic staking (on ETH)?
hi.. im trying to revoke token rights on polygonscan, but the options under misc seems removed...(?). What am i missing here?
hi guys. been a while. i am trying to vote via Kepler but i get a 'pannic error'. anybody an idea?
hi! is allnodes regarded as a decentralized validator eligble for airdrops?
anybody know where to check gasp rice ? polygongasstation is not working for me
What about slashing?
Hey Jeroen! Its been a while mate. How are u doing?
Are there any dapps live yet or on testnet?