I’m confused. If Helios is buying 45m from B1 but only receiving them as they vest, then what is the problem? Is it that the network thinks they are owed some of that 45m eos ...
Are there logs of how much each group and each person within those groups are earning from eos inflation? Would be super interesting, in the spirit of blockchain, to see how...
Has the white paper come out yet? Looking forward to it.
So then they’d need a code change to unlock enough to satisfy the 45m?
Is horndog paid by enf?
Are there audits of the previous pomelo sessions? I asked this when season one was first announced and someone (can’t remember who but I think it was the bees) said they’d be ...
What are the legal implications of B1 holding the ip and being a potentially not so friendly to eos party?
Is the enf hiring? @yves @BlockchainZack @iang @kevinrose @brockpierce @blockchainkid @thomascox
How many members of the eos foundation board are eden members?
Looking forward to it. Did Eden team help with it or did you build the plan yourself?
Lfgggggg Is bytemaster saying on Twitter than he still has B1 stake? He told the community he didn’t but now he’s pooping his pants in public over the lawsuit 🥸
Rebranding away from Eden? What’s the top vote for new name? How about ‘tactfully?’
Stall to what end?
Wait, have Gucci and Blockstart been working together from the beginning? Can’t believe im just realizing this 😱
Is it possible B1 will make the GitHub repo private? If so, does that matter?
This the vid @ChrisBarnes1??