Hi. What’s the most reliable Dex on telos for swaps?
I just read developers are fleeing Solana. Are we doing anything to bring some over to telos? Solana-Telos bridge?
And to start a liquidity pool? Same?
Seems like tofunft does not support telos anymore right? doesn’t seem to be working either
Hi. Does anyone know the USDT token address on Telos to add to metamask?
Hello. I’m a new holder. Recommended wallet for Telos please?
I am relatively new to Telos but not crypto. The seed phrase you provide seems quite vulnerable. How can I improve safety?
Telos doesn’t use the 12 phrase mechanism does it?
Maybe the scammers that are DM me? Ha ha ha
Is @lliambuckley here?
Is there a telos nft marketplace?